Upgrade Guide


This guide, intended for system administrators, covers upgrade of the Web Curator Tool from version 1.6.2 to version 2.0. If you are on an earlier version you can still follow these instructions to upgrade the database, but you will need to manually merge your old configuration files with the new files, or configure your installation from scratch.

For information on how to install and setup the Web Curator Tool from scratch, see the Web Curator Tool System Administrator Guide. For information about developing and contributing to the Web Curator Tool, see the Developer Guide. For information on using the Web Curator Tool, see the Web Curator Tool Quick User Guide and the Web Curator Tool online help.

The source for both code and documentation for the Web Curator Tool can be found at http://dia-nz.github.io/webcurator/.

Contents of this document

Following this introduction, the Web Curator Tool Upgrade Guide includes the following sections:

  • Upgrade requirements - Covers requirements for upgrading.
  • Shut Down the WCT - Describes shutting down WCT prior to upgrading.
  • Upgrading the WCT database schema - Describes how to upgrade the database schema.
  • Upgrading the application - How to upgrade the application.
  • Configuration - New configuration parameters.
  • Post-upgrade notes - Additional post migration steps.

Upgrade requirements

The following section explains the requirements for upgrading to version 2.0 of the Web Curator Tool.


The following are required to successfully upgrade the Web Curator Tool to version 2.0:

  • Installed and running version of the Web Curator Tool – version 1.6.2 (or older) running against Oracle 11g or newer, PostgreSQL 8.4.9 or newer, or MySQL 5.0.95 or newer.
  • Access to the Tomcat server(s) for the Core, Digital Asset Store, and Harvest Agent components.

Note that the Web Curator Tool has been tested with Oracle `11g`, PostgreSQL `8.4.9` and `9.6.11`, MySQL `5.0.95` and MariaDB `10.0.36`, although newer versions of these products are expected to work as well. Due to the use of Hibernate for database persistence other database platforms should work, if the product is rebuilt with the correct database dialect, using the required JDBC driver. However, only MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle have been tested.

Shut Down the WCT

The major components to the deployment of the Web Curator Tool are:

  • The web curator core (wct.war).
  • The web curator harvest agent for Heritrix 1 (harvest-agent-h1.war, optional, only needed if Heritrix 1 support is desired).
  • The web curator harvest agent for Heritrix 3 (harvest-agent-h3.war).
  • The web curator digital asset store (wct-store.war).

Note that the wct-agent.war module has been replaced by two new modules harvest-agent-h1.war and harvest-agent-h3.war.

This document assumes that 1.6.2 (or an earlier version) is currently deployed to your Tomcat instance.

To begin the upgrade of the WCT to version 2.0:

  1. Make sure that all target instances have completed.
  2. Shut down the Tomcat instance(s) running the Harvest Agents, WCT Core, and Digital Asset Store.

Upgrading WCT Database Schema

Version 2.0 of the Web Curator Tool is supported under MySQL 5.0.95 and up, Oracle 11g and up, and PostgreSQL 8.4.9 and up. Database schema upgrade scripts have been provided for all three databases.

Upgrade scripts

To upgrade from an older version to 2.0, you first need to upgrade to version 1.6.2 (which is actually version 1.6.1 of the database schema, since there were no changes to the schema between 1.6.1 and 1.6.2). The scripts for upgrading to 1.6.2 can be found in wct-core/db/legacy/upgrade. The scripts that get you from 1.6.2 to 2.0 are located in wct-core/db/latest/upgrade.

Upgrade script names are of the format:


where <database-type> is one of mysql, oracle or postgres.

The <source-version> is the current or source version (the version you’re migrating from).

The <target-version> is the target version (the version you’re migrating to).

No script means no database change. If there is no script for a particular version it means that there were no database changes.

Upgrades are incremental

Upgrade scripts only cover a single upgrade step from one version to another. This means that upgrading across several versions requires that all the scripts between the source and target version be executed in sequence.

For example, to upgrade a MySQL database from version 1.4.0 to 2.0, the following scripts would need to be executed in this order:

From db/legacy/upgrade:

  1. upgrade-mysql-1_4-to-1_4_1.sql
  2. upgrade-mysql-1_5-to-1_5_1.sql
  3. upgrade-mysql-1_5_1-to-1_5_2.sql
  4. upgrade-mysql-1_5_2-to-1_6.sql
  5. upgrade-mysql-1_6-to-1_6_1.sql

Then, from db/latest/upgrade:

  1. upgrade-mysql-1_6_1-to-2_0.sql

Note that some scripts may complain about columns already existing or timestamp column definitions having the wrong precision. You can safely ignore these errors. You might also get warnings about implicit indexes being created. These are harmless as well.

Upgrading on Oracle

This guide assumes that the source version’s schema is already configured on your Oracle database under the schema DB_WCT.

  1. Log on to the database using the DB_WCT user.

  2. Run the following SQL to upgrade the database:

    SQL> conn db_wct@<sid-name>
    SQL> @upgrade-oracle-<source-version>-to-<target-version>.sql
    SQL> exit;

Upgrading on PostgreSQL

This guide assumes that the source version’s schema is already configured on your PostgreSQL database under the schema DB_WCT.

  1. Log on to the database using the postgres user.

  2. Run the following SQL to upgrade the database:

    postgres=# \c Dwct
    postgres=# \i upgrade-postgresql-<source-version>-to-<target-version>.sql
    postgres=# \q

Upgrading on MySQL

This guide assumes that the previous version’s schema is already configured on your MySQL database under the schema DB_WCT.

  1. Log on to the database using the root user.

  2. Run the following SQL to upgrade the database:

    mysql> use db_wct
    mysql> source upgrade-mysql-<source-version>-to-<target-version>.sql
    mysql> quit

Upgrading the application

Deploying WCT to Tomcat

  1. Copy any settings/properties/configuration files you wish to keep from the Apache Tomcat webapps directory.

  2. Remove the applications from the Apache Tomcat webapps directory, including the expanded directory and WAR files.

  3. Copy the version 2.0 WAR files into the Apache Tomcat webapps folder.

  4. If your Tomcat instance is not set to auto-deploy then expand the WAR files as follows:

    cd $TOMCAT/webapps
    mkdir wct
    cd wct
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar xvf ../wct.war
    cd $TOMCAT/webapps
    mkdir wct-harvest-agent
    cd wct-harvest-agent
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar xvf ../wct-harvest-agent.war
    cd $TOMCAT/webapps
    mkdir wct-store
    cd wct-store
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar xvf ../wct-store.war
  5. When migrating from 1.6.2: copy any settings/properties/configuration files you backed-up in step 3 back into your Apache Tomcat webapps directory. When migrating from an older version: start from the new configuration files and merge any relevant values from your old configuration files back in.


See the WCT System Administrator Guide for more information about configuring the Web Curator Tool.

Of note, please ensure that the TOMCAT/webapps/wct/META-INF/context.xml is updated to correctly identify your database.

The Spring and Log4J XML files should also be checked as per the WCT System Administrator Guide to ensure their values are appropriate for your deployment.

New configuration parameters in 2.0


There’s a new variable that tells the core where to find its Heritrix 3 scripts (used by the H3 script console).



The harvest agent now needs to have a (unique) name and the path of its logReaderService must be specified. (This variable is also needed in the wct-agent.properties file for Heritrix 1 agents.)

harvestAgent.service=My Agent

There are now settings that tell the agent how to connect to its Heritrix 3 instance.


New configuration parameters in 1.6.3


Changes required by the National Library of New Zealand to be compatible with archiving to a Rosetta DPS integrated with Alma (library cataloguing and workflow management system from Ex Libris). All changes have been implemented as backward compatible as possible. The exposure of these changes and their configuration are through the files wct-das.properties, wct-das.xml inside WCT-Store.

Setting Mets CMS section

The section used in the DNX TechMD for the CMS data is now configurable. The CMS section can be set to either of the following inside wct-das.properties




Preset producer ID for custom deposit forms

The Producer ID can now be preset for deposits that use a custom form, particularly useful if only one Producer is used and saves the user having to input their Rosetta password each time to search for one. If no Producer ID is set in wct-das.properties then it will revert to the old process of loading a list of available Producers from Rosetta.


Toggle HTML Serial agencies using non HTML Serial entity types

Used when a user is under an HTML Serial agency but wants to submit a custom type. Set to False to enable the use of custom types.


Custom Types

Custom Types for Web Harvests, follow the same method as the htmlSerials. If there are more than one value for each of these, separate them using comma. Make sure there is an equal number of values for each attribute.


Set source of Mets DC Title for custom types

For custom entity tpes, the field of which the Mets DC Title gets populated with for the mets.xml can now be set. The available fields are the Target Seed Url or the Target Name. This is switched in wct-das.properties.




New configuration parameters in 1.6.2


There is now the option of setting Rosetta access codes for when archiving harvests to the Rosetta DPS.


These will only be used if the archive type is set to ‘dpsArchive’.


Updating older configurations

To update the configuration files when migrating from versions older than 1.6.2, it is recommended to start from the new configuration files and merge any relevant differences with your existing configuration back in as needed. In most cases new variables have been added. Only rarely have variables been dropped or renamed.

Post-upgrade notes

Once the Web Curator Tool has been upgraded you will be able to start the Tomcat instances and log in as any of the users that existed prior to the upgrade.

Notes on the Upgrade Effects

Please see the Release Notes for further information regarding the changes introduced in WCT 2.0.