Data Dictionary

Additional TODO

  • Do a git comparison between version 1.6.2 and version 2.0.0 and document all changes between the two versions.


This guide, designed for a Web Curator Tool developer and contributor, explains and documents the database for the Web Curator Tool. The source for both code and documentation for the Web Curator Tool can be found at:

For information on how to install and setup the Web Curator Tool, see the Web Curator Tool System Administrator Guide. For information about developing and contributing to the Web Curator Tool, see the Developer Guide. For information on using the Web Curator Tool, see the Web Curator Tool Quick Start Guide and the Web Curator Tool online help.

Contents of this document

Following this introduction, the Web Curator Tool Developer Guide includes the following sections:

  • Changes - Covers changes between different versioned releases.
  • Data model diagram - provides a diagram of the WCT data model.
  • Data descriptions - Data descriptions for the data fields.
  • Database descriptions - Descriptions for the tables and their fields.
  • Generating primary keys - How to generate primary keys.


Changes since 2.0.0

  • Placeholder for changes since version 2.0.0. This list should be updated after every feature/bug fix is merged into the master branch.

1.6.2 to 2.0.0

  • Placeholder for changes between version 1.6.2 and 2.0.0.

Data model diagram

The data model diagram shows the relationships between the different tables.

Note that this diagram cannot be updated since we don’t have the original source file. Any significant updates to the tables and/or their relationships should result in the commissioning of a new diagram.


Data descriptions


This section describes the tables in the WCT database.

Field types

Field types in this document are indicative only, and may depend on the implementation.

The types used are:

A Boolean value (true or false, or 0 or 1, depending on implementation).
A free text field.
Constrained text
A text field whose contents are constrained to a limited set of values by the application (see Constrained text fields below).
A timestamp encoding a date and time.
Primary key
A unique internal identifier (see Generating primary keys).
Secondary key
A key from another table.
A floating-point number.
An integer number.

Constrained text fields

Some tables have fields that are constrained to a fixed set of values.

These fields will be implemented in the database as Text fields, but will appear to users as enumerations (usually in a drop-down menu).

In most cases, the set of possible values can be set in a configuration file (to support different requirements at different institutions).

In each case, a single value can be assigned.

Database descriptions

Targets, Groups and Schedules


The ABSTRACT_TARGET table is used to store information that is common to both Targets and Groups.

The table is needed because the WCT can be instructed to “harvest” an entire Group at once, as though it were a Target. This means that the ABSTRACT_TARGET is used to contain or manage all profile and scheduling information.

Name Type Description
AT_OID Primary key  
AT_DESC Text An internal description of the Target or Group.
AT_NAME Text The name of the Target or Group.
AT_OWNER_ID Foreign key The owner of the Target or Group.
AT_PROF_OVERRIDE_OID Foreign key The key of the profile override information for this Target or Group.
AT_STATE Integer

The state of the Target or Group. Values will be different for Targets than for Groups.

Target values correspond to: Pending, Nominated, Rejected, Approved, Completed, Cancelled, Reinstated.

AT_PROFILE_ID Foreign key Reference to the profile information for this Target.
AT_OBJECT_TYPE Integer Identifies whether this is a Target (1) or a Group (0).
AT_CREATION_DATE Timestamp The date and time the ABSTRACT_TARGET was created.
AT_REFERENCE Text An external reference number (e.g. catalogue number).
AT_PROFILE_NOTE Text Records notable aspects of the site that relate to the choice of harvest profile and overrides.
AT_DUBLIN_CORE_OID Foreign key Reference to the Dublin Core metadata for this Target.
AT_ACCESS_ZONE Integer Access Zone (enumerated field): 0 – Public (default), 1 – On Site, 2 - Restricted.
AT_DISPLAY_TARGET Boolean Display this Target.
AT_DISPLAY_NOTE Text Records an explanation of the Access Zone and Display Target choices.
AT_DISPLAY_CHG_REASON Text Records the reason the AT_DISPLAY_TARGET Boolean was last changed.
AT_RR_OID Foreign key Reference to the rejection reason for this Target.


TARGET contains information specific to Target objects.

Each Target is based on an ABSTRACT_TARGET, and takes its primary key from the ABSTRACT_TARGET primary key.

Name Type Description
T_AT_OID | Primary key
(Foreign key)
Reference to ABSTRACT_TARGET corresponding to the Target.
T_RUN_ON_APPROVAL Boolean If true, then an additional Target Instance will be scheduled to begin one minute after the Target state is set to Approved.
T_EVALUATION_NOTE Text Records notable aspects of the site that relate to its evaluation.
T_SELECTION_DATE Timestamp The date the Target was formally selected. This should be set automatically to the date and time the Target state first changed to Approved.
T_SELECTION_NOTE Text Records information relating to the selection process, in particular reasons for the selection decision.
T_SELECTION_TYPE Constrained text Records the type of schedule that has been applied to the site. Example values: one-off, ad hoc, regular.
T_HARVEST_TYPE Constrained Records type of selective harvest approach has been applied to the site. Example values: subject, event, theme.
T_USE_AQA Boolean Records whether TIs derived from this Target should be marked for inclusion in the automated quality assurance (AQA) post harvest processes.
T_ALLOW_OPTIMIZE Boolean Flag to indicate whether harvest optimization is permitted for this target’s harvests.


SEED contains the set of seed URLs corresponding to a Target.

Name Type Description
S_OID Primary key  
S_SEED URL The seed URL.
S_TARGET_ID Foreign Key The key of the Target the key belongs to.
S_PRIMARY Boolean Records whether the URL is marked as a primary URL in the user interface.


SEED_HISTORY contains the set of seed URLs corresponding to a Target Instance when harvested. Population of this table can be turned off in wct_core.xml. Once written the content is not used again by WCT.

Name Type Description
SH_OID Primary key  
SH_TI_OID Foreign Key The key of the Target Instance the key belongs to.
SH_PRIMARY Boolean Records whether the URL is marked as a primary URL in the user interface.


TARGET_GROUP contains information specific to Group objects.

Each Group is based on an ABSTRACT_TARGET, and takes its primary key from the ABSTRACT_TARGET primary key.

Groups can usually act as logical groupings that indicate that a set of Targets share some property. For example, a set of Targets in the Elections 2005 Group might all be relevant to a particular general election. They can also act as functional groupings that simplify the management of Targets by allowing all the Targets in a Group to have a crawl scheduled for specific time. This means they share much of the functionality of a Target (specifically, the ability to schedule a harvest, with all the profile and scheduling data required).

Group membership is recorded in the GROUP_MEMBER table.

Name Type Description
TG_AT_OID Primary key (Foreign key) Reference to ABSTRACT_TARGET corresponding to the Group.
TG_SIP_TYPE Boolean Controls whether the members are crawled as separate jobs or as a single combined job when the Group is crawled.
TG_START_DATE Date The date on which the Group becomes relevant to its members.
TG_END_DATE Date The date after which the Group ceases to be relevant to its members.
TG_OWNERSHIP_METADATA Text Additional information describing the ownership of a Group, particularly for Groups that have multiple owners.
TG_TYPE Constrained text Records the type of Group. Example values: collection, subject, thematic, event, functional.


GROUP_MEMBER records Group membership information.

Name Type Description
AT_OID Primary key (Foreign key)  
GM_CHILD_ID Foreign key The key of the child (member) Target or Group.
GM_PARENT_ID Foreign key The key of the parent (containing) Group.


A SCHEDULE contains information about the times that a harvest will be run.

Name Type Description
S_OID Primary key  
S_CRON Text The cron pattern this schedule is based on.
S_START Timestamp The date the harvests are to commence.
S_END Timestamp The date the harvests are to end.
S_ABSTRACT_TARGET_ID Foreign key ID of the AbstractTarget to which this schedule belongs.
S_TYPE   The type of the schedule. This is 0 for a custom schedule, or the ID number of a SchedulePattern from the wct-core.xml.
S_OWNER_OID Foreign key The key of the User who is the owner of this schedule.
S_NEXT_SCHEDULE_TIME Timestamp The date of the next harvest initiated by this schedule.
S_ABSTRACT_TARGET_ID   The key of the Target or Group this schedule is part of.
S_LAST_PROCESSED_DATE Timestamp The date that the background batch scheduling processing last processed this record – used to optimise batch processing.

Target Instances and Harvest Results


TARGET_INSTANCE contains information specific to the Target Instances. Target Instances represent the harvests that have occurred, are occurring, or will occur for a Target

Name Type Description
TI_OID Primary key  
TI_VERSION Number Internal version number for optimistic locking.
TI_SCHEDULE_ID Foreign key The key of the schedule that initiated this harvest.
TI_TARGET_ID Foreign key The key of the ABSTRACT_TARGET that this Target Instance is derived from.
TI_PRIORITY Number 0 = High Priority; 100 = Normal Priority; 1000 = Low priority.
TI_SCHEDULED_TIME Timestamp The date and time the harvest is (or was) scheduled to begin.
TI_STATE   The current state of the Target Instance. Values correspond to: Scheduled, Running, Paused, Aborted, Harvested, Rejected, Endorsed, Archived.
TI_BANDWIDTH_PERCENT   The proportion of the total available bandwidth that has been manually assigned to this crawl job (empty if the default bandwidth allocation has not been overridden).
TI_ALLOCATED_BANDWIDTH Number The actual amount of bandwidth assigned in Kilobytes per second.
TI_START_TIME Timestamp For harvests that have started, the date and time the harvest actually did begin.
TI_OWNER_ID Foreign key The key of the User who is the owner of this schedule.
TI_DISPLAY_ORDER Number A number to assist with the ordering of results in the Target Instance search results screen. This number is tied to the state of the target instance.
TI_PROF_OVERRIDE_OID Foreign key The key of the profile override information for this harvest.
TI_PURGED Boolean True if the Harvest Results have been purged from the Digital Asset Store.
TI_ARCHIVE_ID Text The ID returned by the Archive when the Harvest Result is “Submitted to Archive”, if any.
TI_REFERENCE Text Duplicate of the TI_ARCHIVE_ID field.
TI_HARVEST_SERVER Text The name of the harvest agent that ran this Target Instance.
TI_DISPLAY_TARGET_INSTANCE Boolean Display this Target Instance.
TI_DISPLAY_NOTE Text Records an explanation of the Display Target Instance choice.
TI_FLAGGED Boolean Flag this target instance.
TI_PROFILE_ID Number If this target instance is in a running state or later, this is the ID of the locked profile used to run the target instance.
TI_ARCHIVED_TIME Timestamp The time that this target instance was archived or rejected.
TI_FIRST_FROM_TARGET Boolean Is this the first TI created from a particular Target?
TI_DISPLAY_CHG_REASON Text The reason the TI_DISPLAY_TARGET_INSTANCE Boolean was last changed.
TI_USE_AQA Boolean Records whether the TI is marked for inclusion in the automated quality assurance (AQA) post harvest processes.


A HARVEST_RESULT is a set of files that represent the result of a harvest of a Target Instance. Note there can be several harvest results for each Target Instance (the first created by the crawler, the rest by QR tools).

Name Type Description
HR_OID Primary key  
HR_HARVEST_NO Number The sequence number of the result. Harvest Result #1 is always the original harvest. Harvest Result #2 can be created through the prune tool.
HR_TARGET_INSTANCE_ID Foreign key The key of the Target Instance this harvest result belongs to.
HR_PROVENANCE_NOTE   The provenance note of this Harvest Result.
HR_CREATED_DATE Timestamp The date the harvest result was created.
HR_CREATED_BY_ID Foreign key The key of the User who created the Harvest Result.
HR_STATE Number The endorsement state of the Harvest Result. Values correspond to: 1 = Endorsed; 2 = Rejected
HR_INDEX Number An internal number for list management, this is mandatory for a Hibernate List.
HR_DERIVED_FROM Number The list index of the harvest result that this harvest result is derived from. This is used in the case of a pruned harvest result.
HR_RR_OID Foreign key Reference to the rejection reason for this Harvest Result.


ARC_HARVEST_RESULT associates each ARC file (ARC_HARVEST_FILE) with a Harvest Result (HARVEST_RESULT). This allows for flexibility in the future, despite having no data at present.

Name Type Description
HR_MODIFICATION_NOTE   This table holds a record of the modifications made to a harvest through the Prune Tool.
HMN_HR_OID Foreign key The key of the Harvest Result that this belongs to.
HMN_INDEX Number The list index number (used to keep the order of the list).
HMN_NOTE Text The text describing the modification.


ARC_HARVEST_FILE contains information describing a single ARC file that is part of an ARC_HARVEST_RESULT.

Name Type Description
AHF_OID Primary key  
AHF_COMPRESSED Boolean Specifies whether the ARC file is compressed.
AHF_NAME Text The ARC file name.
AHF_ARC_HARVEST_RESULT_ID Foreign key The key of the ARC_HARVEST_RESULT this file belongs to.


HARVEST_RESOURCE contains information about each resource harvested.

Name Type Description
HRC_OID Primary key  
HRC_LENGTH Number The length of the resource in bytes.
HRC_NAME Text The URI of the resource.
HRC_HARVEST_RESULT_OID Foreign key The key of the HARVEST_RESULT this file belongs to.
HRC_STATUS_CODE Number The HTTP status code of the resource (e.g. 200 = OK, 500 = Internal Server Error, etc.).


ARC_HARVEST_RESOURCE contains information about a harvested resource that is particular to the ARC format.

Name Type Description
AHRC_RESOURCE_LENGTH Number Not used – we currently rely on the HarvestResource’s length attribute.
AHRC_RESOURCE_OFFSET Number The offset of this resource in the ARC file.
AHRC_ARC_FILE_NAME Text The ARC file that contains this resource.
AHRC_COMPRESSED_YN Boolean True if the ARC file is compressed; otherwise false.
SIP_PART_ELEMENT   The SIP_PART_ELEMENT table is used internally to store parts of the SIP that must be created when a target instance’s harvest is started. This ensures that the details in the SIP remain consistent, even if the target instance’s data is changed between harvest and archive.
SPE_KEY Text A key indicating what part of the SIP this row represents.
SPE_TARGET_INSTANCE_OID Foreign Key The key of the Target Instance to which this belongs.
SPE_VALUE Text / CLOB The value of this part of the SIP.
TARGET_INSTANCE_ORIG_SEED   This table holds the seeds of a target instance at the time the harvest was started. This is used internally to the WCT to ensure that the seeds stated in the SIP represent those at the time of the harvest, rather than those at the time of archiving (for example, if the seeds of the Target were changed after the harvest had started).
TIOS_TI_OID Foreign key The key of the Target Instance to which this belongs.
TIOS_SEED Text The seed at the time of harvest.


This table holds the reason for rejection that may be assigned to a Target or Harvest Result when it is rejected by the user. An administration page within WCT allows system administrators to set these up on a per agency basis.

Name Type Description
RR_OID Primary key  
RR_NAME Text A description of the reason for rejection.
RR_AVAILABLE_FOR_TARGET Boolean Should this reason be applicable to Targets?
RR_AVAILABLE_FOR_TI Boolean Should this reason be applicable to TIs?
RR_AGC_OID Foreign key The owning Agency that this rejection reason belongs to.

Harvest Authorisations


The SITE table contains high-level information about a Harvest Authorisation, and is used to group all the information applying to a specific harvest authorisation.

Note that the SITE table is badly named through historical accident.

Name Type Description
ST_OID Primary key  
ST_TITLE Text The name of the Harvest Authorisation record.
ST_DESC Text A description of the authorisation record.
ST_LIBRARY_ORDER_NO Text An external Order Number (e.g. Library Order Number).
ST_PUBLISHED Boolean Records whether the “Published” checkbox is ticked.
ST_ACTIVE Boolean Records whether the harvest authorisation (and all associated permissions) is enabled or disabled.
ST_OWNING_AGENCY_ID Foreign Key The owning agency for this site.


The URL_PATTERN table contains a URL or URL pattern.

The scope of each harvest authorisation (SITE) is defined by a set of URL patterns.

Name Type Description
UP_OID Primary key  
UP_PATTERN Text The URL or URL pattern.
UP_SITE_ID Foreign key The key of the SITE this URL_PATTERN belongs to.


The AUTHORISING_AGENT table contains information about an entity contacted in relation to harvesting a website.

Name Type Description
AA_OID Primary key  
AA_NAME Text The name of the authorising agent.
AA_ADRESS Text The full address of the authorising agent.
AA_CONTACT Text The name of the individual contact for an organisation.
AA_EMAIL Text The email address of the authorising agent.
AA_PHONE_NUMBER Text The phone number of the authorising agent.
AA_DESC Text A description of the authorising agent.


The SITE_AUTH_AGENCY table links each site with its list of authorising agencies. (Note this is a many-to-many relationship.)

Name Type Description
SA_SITE_ID Primary key, Foreign key The key of the SITE.
SA_AGENT_ID Primary key, Foreign key The key of the AUTHORISING_AGENT.


The PERMISSION table contains information about a single permission that has been granted by an AUTHORISING_AGENT for a SITE.

Name Type Description
PE_OID Primary key  
PE_ACCESS_STATUS Constrained The access status of the permission. This value is constrained by the accessStatusList list in wct-core-lists.xml.
PE_APPROVED_YN Boolean Not used.
PE_AVAILABLE_YN` Boolean Not used.
PE_COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT Text A passage of text that the publisher requires be displayed with the harvested material.
PE_COPYRIGHT_URL   A URL (linking to a copyright statement) that the publisher requires to be displayed with the harvested material.
PE_CREATION_DATE Timestamp The date and time the permission record was created.
PE_END_DATE Timestamp The date the permission information stored in this record expires (i.e. this permission only applies to harvests that occur between PE_START_DATE and PE_END_DATE).
PE_NOTES Text As of release 1.6.0 used to hold Auth Agency Response.
PE_OPEN_ACCESS_DATE Timestamp The date the rights over the harvested material expire and the material can be freely distributed.
PE_PERMISSION_GRANTED_DATE Timestamp The date the permission was granted (or rejected).
PE_PERMISSION_REQUESTED_DATE Timestamp The date the permission was requested.
PE_SPECIAL_REQUIREMENTS Text A passage of text describing any special requirements for the use of the harvested material.
PE_START_DATE   The date the permission information stored in this record expires (i.e. this permission only applies to harvests that occur between PE_START_DATE and PE_END_DATE).
PE_STATUS Number The current state of the Target Instance. Values correspond to: Pending, Requested, Approved, Rejected.
PE_AUTH_AGENT_ID Foreign key The key of the AUTHORISING_AGENT who has authorised this permission record.
PE_SITE_ID Foreign key The key of the Harvest Authorisation (i.e. SITE) that this permission applies to.
PE_QUICK_PICK Boolean Records whether this permission appears in the Authorisation drop-down menu in the Seeds tab in the Target editing interface.
PE_DISPLAY_NAME Text Label to use in the “Authorisation” drop-down menu in the Seeds tab in the Target editing interface (if PE_QUICK_PICK is set).
PE_OWNING_AGENCY_ID Foreign key The key of the Agency that has been granted authorisation by this permission record.
PE_FILE_REFERENCE Text An external reference number relating to this permission record (e.g. the file number of a permission letter).


The PERMISSION_URLPATTERN table links PERMISSION records to the URL_PATTERN records that apply to them. Each permission will apply to one or more URL Patterns.

Name Type Description
PU_URLPATTERN_ID Primary key, Foreign key The key of the URL Pattern.
PU_PERMISSION_ID Primary key, Foreign key The key of the Permission record.


The PERMISSION_EXCLUSION table contains information about a URL pattern that has been excluded from a PERMISIION.

Name Type Description
PEX_OID Primary key  
PEX_REASON Text The reason for the exclusion.
PEX_URL Text The URL or URL Pattern that has been excluded.
PEX_PERMISSION_OID Foreign key The key of the permission that this is an exclusion to.
PEX_INDEX Number Internal number for maintaining the order of elements in a list.


SEED_PERMISSION contains information about the associations between Seed URLs and the permission records that apply to them.

Name Type Description
SP_SEED_ID Primary key, Foreign key The key of a Seed URL.
SP_PERMISSION_ID Primary key, Foreign key The key of a permission record that is linked to the Seed URL.


URL_PERMISSION_MAPPING contains information about the associations between URL_PATTERNS and the permission records they apply to.

Name Type Description
UPM_PERMISSION_ID   The key of the permission record.
UPM_URL_PATTERN_ID   The key of a URL Pattern that is linked to this permission record.
UPM_DOMAIN   The most specific part of the domain, used for quick matching of seeds to permissions. For global patterns, this will be *.

Profiles and profile overrides


PROFILE contains information describing a single Heritrix profile.

Name Type Description
P_OID Primary key  
P_VERSION Number Internal version number for optimistic locking.
P_DESC Text A textual description of the profile.
P_NAME Text The name of the profile.
P_PROFILE_STRING Text The profile itself, stored as an XML document.
P_PROFILE_LEVEL Number The level of the profile (controls which users may use the profile).
P_STATUS Number The current status of the profile.
P_DEFAULT Boolean Records whether this profile is the default profile for the Agency.
P_AGENCY_OID Foreign key The key of the Agency that this profile belongs to.
P_ORIG_OID Number The oid of the profile that this is a (usually locked) copy of.


PROFILE_OVERRIDES contains information describing the overrides to a profile pertaining to a specific ABSTRACT_TARGET (or its Target Instances).

Name Type Description
PO_OID Primary key  
PO_EXCL_MIME_TYPES Text A list of MIME types to exclude from the harvest.
PO_MAX_BYES Number The maximum quantity of data to download (in bytes).
PO_MAX_DOCS Number The maximum number of documents to download.
PO_MAX_HOPS Number The maximum distance to crawl (in Heritrix “hops”).
PO_MAX_PATH_DEPTH Number The maximum distance to crawl (in path depth from the website root).
PO_MAX_TIME_SEC Number The maximum time to spend on the harvest (in seconds).
PO_ROBOTS_POLICY Text Specifies whether the obots.txt file should be consulted or ignored. Either ignore or classic.
PO_OR_CREDENTIALS Boolean Specifies whether the Target has any credentials (i.e. usernames and passwords) stored in the PROFILE_CREDENTIALS and related tables.
PO_OR_EXCL_MIME_TYPES Boolean Specifies whether the PO_EXCL_MIME_TYPES override is activated.
PO_OR_EXCLUSION_URI Boolean Specifies whether the Target has any URL exclusions stored in the PO_EXCLUSION_URI table.
PO_OR_INCLUSION_URI Boolean Specifies whether the Target has any URL inclusions stored in the PO_INCLUSION_URI table.
PO_OR_MAX_BYTES Boolean Specifies whether the PO_MAX_BYES override is activated.
PO_OR_MAX_DOCS Boolean Specifies whether the PO_MAX_DOCS override is activated.
PO_OR_MAX_HOPS Boolean Specifies whether the PO_MAX_HOPS override is activated.
PO_OR_MAX_PATH_DEPTH Boolean Specifies whether the PO_MAX_PATH_DEPTH override is activated.
PO_OR_MAX_TIME_SEC Boolean Specifies whether the PO_MAX_TIME_SEC override is activated.
PO_OR_ROBOTS_POLICY Boolean Specifies whether the PO_ROBOTS_POLICY override is activated.


The PO_EXCLUSION_URI table contains information about a URL patterns that have been excluded from a PROFILE_OVERRIDE.

Name Type Description
PEU_IX Primary key  
PEU_PROF_OVER_OID Foreign key The key of the PROFILE_OVERRIDES that this exclusion applies to.
PEU_FILTER Text The URL pattern excluded (a PERL regular expression).


The PO_INCLUSION_URI table contains information about a URL patterns that have been un-excluded from a PROFILE_OVERRIDE (i.e. patterns that are exceptions to exclusions in PO_EXCLUSION_URI).

Name Type Description
PEU_IX Primary key  
PEU_PROF_OVER_OID Foreign key The key of the PROFILE_OVERRIDES that this un-exclusion applies to.
PEU_FILTER Text The URL pattern included (a PERL regular expression).


PROFILE_CREDENTIALS contains shared credential information used by both basic and form credentials.

Name Type Description
PC_OID Primary key  
PC_DOMAIN Text The Internet domain this credential applies to.
PC_PASSWORD Text The password for this credential.
PC_USERNAME Text The username for this credential.
PC_PROFILE_OVERIDE_OID Foreign key The key of the PROFILE_OVERRIDES that these credentials apply to.
PC_INDEX Number Internal number for maintaining the order of elements in a list.


PROFILE_BASIC_CREDENTIALS is an extension of PROFILE_CREDENTIALS that contains credential information in basic credential format.

Name Type Description
PBC_PC_OID Primary key, Foreign key The key of the PROFILE_CREDENTIALS that this credential extends.
PBC_REALM Text The realm this credential applies to.


PROFILE_FORM_CREDENTIALS is an extension of PROFILE_CREDENTIALS that contains credential information in “form” credential format.

Name Type Description
PRC_PC_OID Primary key, Foreign key The key of the PROFILE_CREDENTIALS that this credential extends.
PFC_METHOD Text The method for submitting the form.
PFC_LOGIN_URI Text The URL of the login form to use this credential against.
PFC_PASSWORD_FIELD Text The name of the password field used in the form.
PFC_USERNAME_FIELD Text The name of the username field used in the form.

Audit trail


WCTAUDIT records all auditable events.

Each row in the table records a single auditable action, including the user who performed the action, the date and time, the object the action was performed on (i.e. the subject), and any message.

Name Type Description
AUD_OID Primary key  
AUD_ACTION Action The auditable action performed.
AUD_DATE Timestamp The date and time the action was performed.
AUD_FIRSTNAME Text The first name of the user who performed the action.
AUD_LASTNAME Text The last name of the user who performed the action.
AUD_MESSAGE Text Additional text describing the action.
AUD_SUBJECT_TYPE Text The type of the object that was acted on.
AUD_USERNAME Text The username of the user who performed the action.
AUD_USER_OID Foreign key The key of the user who performed the action.
AUD_SUBJECT_OID Foreign key The key of the object that was acted on.
AUD_AGENCY_OID Foreign key The key of the agency that the user who performed the action belongs to.


WCT_LOGON_DURATION records the time and duration of all user sessions.

Each row in the table records a single user session.

Name Type Description
LOGDUR_OID Primary key  
LOGDUR_DURATION Number The duration of the user session in seconds.
LOGDUR_LOGON_TIME Timestamp The date and time the user logged on to the WCT.
LOGDUR_LOGOUT_TIME Timestamp The date and time the user logged out of the WCT.
LOGDUR_USERNAME Text The username of the user.
LOGDUR_USER_OID Foreign key The key of the user.
LOGDUR_USER_REALNAME Text The full name of the user.
LOGDUR_SESSION_ID Text The Apache Tomcat Session ID.

Agencies, Roles and Users


AGENCY contains information describing an agency.

Name Type Description
AGC_OID Primary key  
AGC_NAME Text The name of the agency.
AGC_ADDRESS Text The address of the agency.
AGC_LOGO_URL Text A URL for the logo of the agency.
AGC_URL Text The URL of the Agency
AGC_EMAIL Text The agency email address.
AGC_FAX Text The agency fax number.
AGC_PHONE Text The agency phone number.
AGC_SHOW_TASKS Boolean Whether the tasks list is shown on the notifications page for users in this agency.  Default is true.


WCTROLE contains information about a role.

Each role is associated with a single agency. The privileges attached to the role are stored in the ROLE_PRIVILEGE table.

Name Type Description
ROL_OID Primary key  
ROL_DESCRIPTION Text Description of the role.
ROL_NAME Text Name of the role.
ROL_AGENCY_OID Foreign key The key of the agency that this role belongs to.


ROLE_PRIVILEGE records the privileges, and the scope of privileges, associated with each role.

Each role can have any number of privileges associated with it. Privileges are identified by the PRV_CODE, a unique code used by the WCT to represent each privilege. These are codes are hard-coded in the WCT, where they are used to determine whether users can perform particular actions.

Name Type Description
PRV_OID Primary key  
PRV_CODE Text The code identifying the privilege being set.
PRV_ROLE_OID Foreign key The key of the role this privilege is associated with.
PRV_SCOPE Number The scope of the privilege as it applies to this role (i.e. whether the privilege applies to all data, agency data, or only the data owned by the user). 0 = All; 100 = Agency; 200 = Owner; 500 = None.


WCTUSER contains information describing the WCT users.

Name Type Description
USR_OID Primary key  
USR_ACTIVE Boolean Specifies whether the user is currently active or disabled.
USR_ADDRESS Text The user’s physical or postal address.
USR_EMAIL Text The user’s email address.
USR_EXTERNAL_AUTH Boolean Specifies whether the user should be authenticated using an external LDAP service, or using the internal authentication system.
USR_FIRSTNAME Text The user’s first name.
USR_FORCE_PWD_CHANGE Boolean Specifies whether the user should be forced to reset their password next time they log on to the WCT.
USR_LASTNAME Text The user’s last name.
USR_PASSWORD Text The user’s (encrypted) password.
USR_PHONE Text The user’s phone number.
USR_TITLE Text The user’s title.
USR_USERNAME Text The unique username identifying the user.
USR_AGC_OID Foreign key The key of the Agency that the user belongs to.
USR_DEACTIVATE_DATE Timestamp The date when the user was deactivated.
USR_NOTIFICATIONS_BY_EMAIL Boolean True if the user wants to receive notifications by emails as well as to their WCT in-tray.
USR_TASKS_BY_EMAIL Boolean True if the user wants to receive tasks by email as well as to their WCT in-tray.
USR_NOTIFIY_ON_GENERAL Boolean True if the user wants to receive general notifications.
USR_NOTIFY_ON_WARNINGS Boolean True if the user wants to receive notifications for warnings (such as memory warnings from the Harvest Agent).


USER_ROLE contains information linking users and roles.

Each row contains a user key and a role key, indicating that the specified user has been assigned the specified role.

Name Type Description
URO_USR_OID Foreign key The key of the user.
URO_ROL_OID Foreign key The key of the role.


PERMISSION_TEMPLATE contains information describing a permission request template.

Name Type Description
PRT_OID Primary key  
PRT_AGC_OID Foreign key The key of the Agency this template belongs to.
PRT_TEMPLATE_TEXT Text The text of the permission letter template.
PRT_TEMPLATE_NAME Text The name of the template.
PRT_TEMPLATE_TYPE Text The type of template (either Print Template or Email Template).
PRT_TEMPLATE_DESC Text The description of the template.
PRT_TEMPLATE_SUBJECT Text The subject of the Email.
PRT_TEMPLATE_OVERWRITE_FROM Boolean A flag used to control if the from field of the email is overwritten by the PRT_TEMPLATE_FROM.
PRT_TEMPLATE_FROM Text The email address used in the sent from field.
PRT_TEMPLATE_CC Text Email address(s) the emails are cc’d to.
PRT_TEMPLATE_BCC Text Email address(s) the emails are bcc’d to.
PRT_TEMPLATE_REPLY_TO   Email address used as the reply-to in permission emails.


TASK contains information describing a WCT task.

When a task is created, it is not assigned to a user, but will be displayed (and emailed) to all the users in the same agency who have sufficient rights to perform the task. When one of these users “claims” the task, it will no longer be displayed to the other users.  When the user completes the task, it will be removed from their task list and deleted.

Name Type Description
TSK_OID Primary key  
TSK_USR_OID Foreign key The key of the user who has claimed (or been assigned) the task, if any.
TSK_MESSAGE Text The message describing the task.
TSK_SENDER Text The email address of the sender of the task.
TSK_SENT_DATE Timestamp The date and time the task was created.
TSK_SUBJECT Text The subject line of the task, used in the InTray and in email notifications.
TSK_PRIVILEGE Text The privilege code that a user must have in order to complete the task. This field identifies which users will see an unassigned task.
TSK_AGC_OID Foreign key The key of the agency this task belongs to.
TSK_MSG_TYPE Text A type code for the message.
TSK_RESOURCE_OID Foreign key The key of the object this task will be performed on.
TSK_RESOURCE_TYPE Text The type of object the TSK_RESOURCE_OID identifies.

Other tables


The ANNOTATIONS table contains information about annotations. Annotations can be attached to many types of object, including Targets, target Instances, and Permissions.

Name Type Description
AN_OID Primary key  
AN_DATE Timestamp The date the annotation was created.
AN_NOTE Text The text of the annotation.
AN_USER_OID Foreign key The foreign key of the user who created the annotation.
AN_OBJ_OID Foreign key The foreign key of the object that the annotation is attached to.
AN_OBJ_TYPE Number Specifies the type of object that the annotation is attached to.
AN_ALERTABLE Boolean Is this annotation to display a warning in the GUI.


The BANDWIDTH_RESTRICTIONS table records the bandwidth restrictions in place at different intervals.

Name Type Description
BR_OID Primary key  
BR_BANDWIDTH Number The bandwidth level for an interval.
BR_DAY Text The day the interval applies to.
BR_END_TIME Timestamp The end time of the interval.
BR_START_TIME Timestamp The start time of the interval.
BR_OPTIMIZATION_ALLOWED Boolean Whether harvest optimization is permitted during this restriction period.


The DUBLIN_CORE table records the Dublin Core metadata for a Target.

Name Type Description
DC_OID Primary key  
DC_CONTRIBUTOR Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_COVERAGE Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_CREATOR Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_DESCRIPTION Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_FORMAT Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_IDENTIFIER Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_IDENTIFIER_ISBN Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_IDENTIFIER_ISSN Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_LANGUAGE Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_PUBLISHER Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_RELATION Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_SOURCE Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_SUBJECT Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_TITLE Text Dublin Core metadata value.
DC_TYPE Text Dublin Core metadata value.


The HARVEST_STATUS table records information about a specific Heritrix Harvest.

Name Type Description
HS_OID Primary key  
HS_AVG_KB Double Average Kilobytes per second downloaded.
HS_AVG_URI Double Average number of URLs per second downloaded.
HS_DATA_AMOUNT Number Total data downloaded.
HS_ELAPSED_TIME Number Elapsed time of the harvest.
HS_JOB_NAME Text The identifier of the harvest job.
HS_STATUS Text The status of the harvest.
HS_URLS_DOWN Number The number of URLs downloaded.
HS_URLS_FAILED Number The number of URLs that filed to download.
HS_ALERTS Number The umber of alerts reported by the harvester during the crawl.
HS_HRTX_VERSION Text Version of Heretrix used during harvest.
HS_APP_VERSION Text Version of WCT used during harvest.


The NOTIFICATION table records information about notifications sent to users.

Name Type Description
NOT_OID Primary key  
NOT_MESSAGE Text The message text.
NOT_USR_OID Foreign key The foreign key of the user who will receive the notification.
NOT_SENDER Text The email address of the sender of the notification.
NOT_SENT_DATE Timestamp The date the notification was sent.
NOT_SUBJECT Text The subject line of the notification.


The ID_GENERATOR table is used to generate globally unique identifiers for objects in the database/. See Generating primary keys below for details.

Name Type Description
IG_TYPE Text The object type (or types) that this range of Identifier numbers applies to.
IG_VALUE Number The range of identifier numbers.


The FLAG table defines arbitrary flag groups that are used to progress target instances through the WCT workflow.  Each flag is allocated a description and colour.

Name Type Description
F_OID Primary key Unique identifier for the flag.
F_NAME Text Name for the flag group.
F_RGB Text Colour for the flag.
F_COMPLEMENT_RGB Text Complement colour for the flag (used to set a contrasting colour for the flag name).
F_AGC_OID Foreign key The foreign key of the agency that owns the flag.


The INDICATOR_CRITERIA table defines a template for the QA indicators. The template is used to initialise the indicators for a specific target instance (see the INDICATOR table).

Name Type Description
IC_OID Primary key Unique identifier for the indicator criteria.
IC_NAME Text Name for the indicator.
IC_DESCRIPTION Text Description for the indicator.
IC_UPPER_LIMIT_PERCENTAGE Number Upper limit used to define the upper watermark for the indicator as a percentage (eg: +10%).
IC_LOWER_LIMIT_PERCENTAGE Number Lower limit used to define the lower watermark for the indicator as a percentage (eg: -10%).
IC_UPPER_LIMIT Number Absolute value for the indicator’s upper limit.
IC_LOWER_LIMIT Number Absolute value for the indicator’s lower limit.
IC_AGC_OID Foreign key The foreign key of the agency that owns the indicator criteria.
IC_UNIT Text Unit of measurement for the indicator’s value used to format the value for display (byte, millisecond or integer).
IC_SHOW_DELTA Boolean Displays the indictor delta compared with the reference crawl if true.
IC_ENABLE_REPORT Boolean Hyperlinks the indicator when set to true and generates a report based on the contents of the INDICATOR_REPORT_LINE table.


The INDICATOR table defines the QA indicators for a specific target instance.

Name Type Description
I_OID Primary key Unique identifier for the indicator.
I_IC_OID Foreign key The foreign key of the indicator criteria on which this indicator is based.
I_TI_OID Foreign key The foreign key of the target instance that owns this indicator.
I_NAME Text Name for the indicator.
I_FLOAT_VALUE Number Value of the indicator.
I_UPPER_LIMIT_PERCENTAGE Number Upper limit used to define the upper watermark for the indicator as a percentage (eg: +10%).
I_LOWER_LIMIT_PERCENTAGE Number Lower limit used to define the lower watermark for the indicator as a percentage (eg: -10%).
I_UPPER_LIMIT Number Absolute value for the indicator’s upper limit.
I_LOWER_LIMIT Number Absolute value for the indicator’s lower limit.
I_ADVICE Text The advice issued for this indicator (eg: Reject).
I_JUSTIFICATION Text The justification for the advice reached for this indicator (eg: The content downloaded is 0KB).
I_AGC_OID Foreign key The foreign key of the agency that owns the indicator criteria.
I_UNIT Text Unit of measurement for the indicator’s value used to format the value for display (byte, millisecond or integer).
I_SHOW_DELTA Boolean Displays the indicator delta compared with the reference crawl if true.
I_INDEX Number Display order for the indicator.
I_DATE Date Date on which the indicator was generated.


The INDICATOR_REPORT_LINE table is used to compile a report of the subject of the indicator (eg: for the Missing URLs indicator, each record in the INDICATOR_REPORT_LINE table represents a missing URL for that indicator).

Name Type Description
IRL_OID Foreign key The foreign key of the indicator that owns this report line.
IRL_LINE Text The indicator report line (eg: the missing URL for the Missing URLs indicator).
IRL_INDEX Number Display order for the indicator report line.


HEATMAP_CONFIG contains the names and colors of the thresholds for the scheduling heat-map introduced in WCT version 1.6.1.

Name Type Description
HM_OID Primary key  
HM_NAME Text Name of the threshold, used as an identifier.
HM_DISPLAY_NAME Text Display name of the threshold.
HM_COLOR Text RGB color of the threshold.
HM_THRESHOLD_LOWEST Number The lowest number of scheduled harvests on a given day to allow this indicator to be used.

Generating primary keys

The WCT stores all primary keys as numbers.

Tables involved

The ID_GENERATOR table is used to track the reservation of ID values in a number of different key sets.

The ABSTRACT_TARGET, TARGET, GROUP, SEED and other important tables share a set of keys that are controlled by the ID_GENERATOR.IG_TYPE value of General, ensuring that their object IDs will never clash. Other objects have their own ID_GENERATOR to ensure that the ID numbers do not grow too quickly.

Reserving sequence numbers

If you want to insert new rows into WCT fields, you need to reserve a sequence number. To get a sequence number you need to:

  1. Ensure that WCT is shutdown.

  2. List the sequences available by running:

  3. Select the sequence for the objects you want to create. If there is not a specific sequence, choose the General sequence.

  4. Run the following, substituting the sequence name as appropriate, and note the values returned:

      ig_value * 32768 AS MIN_RES_VAL,
      ig_value * 32768 + 32767 AS MAX_RES_VAL
      ig_type LIKE '%General%';
  5. Now update the table to reserve your sequence numbers, using the same ID Generator Key as above, and the IG_VALUE returned by the above select statement:

      ig_value = ig_value+1
      ig_type LIKE '%General%' AND ig_value = :IG_VALUE;
  6. If the update statements reports one record updated, then you have successfully reserved the range between MIN_RES_VAL and MAX_RES_VAL. If the update reports no records updated, then you must repeat the process from step three as someone else may have reserved the numbers you were after.

Once you have all the numbers you need you can restart WCT.


Note that different object types may use different runs of numbers; for example ANNOTATION objects have IG_TYPE Annotation. Also note that the IG_TYPE field contents include some strange whitespace (hence the use of like in the SQL code above).

Every time a sequence is reserved, all 32,676 values are reserved, regardless of whether they get used or not.